Thursday, August 27, 2009

Hijacked Happy Birthday

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRISTINE !!! No, Christine is not writing herself her own birthday blog. I hijacked her blog to wish her a happy birthday.

I'm actually a little late. Her birthday was yesterday and unfortunately I didn't do a very good job of making it a special day. (I'm hoping this helps smooth things over a little bit... :))

You see, for Christine her family always comes first. Whether it's for soccer, or basketball, or dance, or ice skating, or scouts, or school, or homework, or laundry, or dinner, or piano, or violin, or my job.... the list goes on.... we always comes first.

And for some reason we have a hard time expressing our appreciation...

Thank you Christine for all that you do!!!!! You're the Best!

I tease her about how old she is getting and how long we have been married (it seems like forever...:)), but the longer that we are together the more I hate being apart.

If I were at home I'd have some better (ie. more embarrasing) photos, but these will just have to do...

This one just might get me in trouble...

We Love You Christine!!! Happy Birthday!!!


Our Little Hatch Family !!! said...

Happy B-lated Birthday Christine I hope you had a wonderful day!

*LaUrA* said...

Happy Birthday Christine! We did call you on the big day but you were not available...hope you were partying it up!

You are gorgeous by the way...even when making funny no worries there Craig.

Hope your day was great! And that cake looks delicious!

Tara Joy said...

Happy Birthday! Hope you had a great day.

Elder Salter said...

Happy Birthday! I'm so glad you're in Primary with us so I can get to know such a fun amazing person. I hope your birthday was super.