Monday, April 6, 2009

Dirty little secret

So we eat a lot of cold when it is on sale I buy a lot and stock up. We ran out of room in the cupboard where we keep the cereal (which holds a lot by the way). So we were throwing it in the closet under the stairs. I needed to get behind/under the cereal today to put something away, so the kids pulled the cereal out for me...and then played with it for a while....those are some big building blocks!


Sadie said...

Holy smokes! I think you have a problem.

*LaUrA* said...

oh my heck...I had to call Josh to come look at all the cereal...we are in awe:)

Colette said...

Woah... that even impressed me! In the event of a cereal shortage, we'll all hit your house for breakfast! Man, you put me to shame and I'm the coupon girl! :)

Boyce Bunch said...

What fun and if you get hungry you can just stop for a bowl of cereal!!! Did I hear breakfast was at your house this week?

Christine said...

sadly....we have a lot more stashed elsewhere as well!

Tara Joy said...

Yeah, you taught me your little cereal antics (I remember the week you bought like 60 boxes) and I have to say now I am a crazy cereal shopper too.

allyson said...

You are out of control!

Sierra said...

hi mom